Use ofstatistical mathematical methods in the characterization of cultivarsand determination of theirdegree of similarity provides important information concerningcultivarsappurtenanceto different sortogroups, the degree of relatedness between cultivarsand their differentiation. The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of phenotypic similaritybetween 11 autochthonous grapevine cultivarsbased on the physico-mechanical, biochemical and physiological characteristics of grapes and leaves, using Cluster analysis, which admits the existence of polythetic groups and allows verificationof genotype belonging to a varietal faction. Group with the lowest chaining index, indicating a highphenotypic similarity,was Coarnăneagră~ Coarnăneagrăselecţionată, followed by Purpuriu ~ Cetăţuia and Someşan ~ Milcov groups, fact justified by their common origin within thegroup. A lower degree of similarity was notedbetween Purpuriu and Radames cultivars,with Villard blanc as commongenitor, and betweenTransilvania and Splendid cultivars (commongenitor Black rose).