In this scientific paper are reflected the results of the investigation on the lymphocytes blastization mechanism aspects as result of stimulation with anti-anthrax antigen and protein purified derivative. The aim of the scientific research was to study the lymphocytes blastization mechanism as a result of stimulation with a specific antigen in order to determine the immunity of the vaccinated and unvaccinated animals. The study was made on twenty bovines using the method of lymphoblastic transformation test. The evaluations take part of a preliminary study in order to identify the transformation process of lymphocytes in macrophages cells determined by nucleus and cytoplasm cells increasing. The obtained results reveal that the majority percentage of the macrophages at this stage of cultivation is determined by the reduced phagocytic activity. As a result of visualization the preparations, there were observed macrophages young cells without vacuoles, with basophilia in the cytoplasm and well-defined contours of nucleus. The lymphocytic stimulation intensity was evaluated by the percentage determination of the blasts from the population, procedure known as morphological method of evaluation the blasts transformation. The active transformations of the macrophages after revaccination of young animals constituted 15,5% of blasts, compared to control group, where the index of stimulation constituted 3,5%.