The article is a study based on Zoonoses online education project (Ref project 2016-1-RO01-KA203-
024732) coordinated by The University of Veterinary Medicine Iaşi in a large partnership with universities and
language or ICT institutions from Italy, Croatia, Lithuania and Romania. All partners have similar mission
statements and adhere to the values of the European Union. All of the universities are engaged in the process of
continual renewal of their curricula and methods and the educational institutions promote the use of computerized
simulation in education to prepare learners for the world of work. Therefore their collaboration in this respect have
found effective and cost reasonable solutions, which fulfil the standards of the European Union and the demands
set by the increased mobility. The project is in line with the 2013 Communication on Opening up Education:
innovative teaching and learning for all through new Technologies and Open Educational Resources. The project supports development and availability of open educational resources in the field of veterinary medicine by developing innovative guidelines on how to develop specialized skills related to identify, monitor and control malaria and dirofilariasis and also medical communication linguistic skills, useful for the academic, professional and common public.