In histological examination we noticed histostructural pigs cheeks, as evidanced by the buccal mucosa, muscle layer and skin. Connective tissue is dense semimodelat, predominantly collagen fibres arranged in bundles. Seromucoase is observed numerous small glands, blood supply and innervation rich. Lingual mucosa, stratified squamous epithelium presents a slightly keratinized. Lingual mucosa appears smooth on the ventral side of the tongue and the lingual papillae on the dorsal presents represented: conical papillae, filliform papillae, fungiform papillae, papillae and buds tinted circumvalate. The tongue is an organ formed musculo-membranous striated muscle tissue oriented in different planes, blood vessels, nervous and glandular formations. The tongue has a stratified squamous epithelium covered with a slightly keratinized tissue, and in the back of the tongue called pappilae are very protruding. The buccal mucosa consists of stratified squamous epithelium keratinized slightly, showing a histostructural lamina propria of loose connective tissue and glands tubulo-acinar forming intramural salivary glands. With 10x objective type mucosa is observed on the dorsal sensory, stratified squamous epithelium is keratinized and lingual papillae are four types: filiform, fungiform, tinted and circumvalate. Lamina propria under the epithelium and consists of dense connective tissue, salivary glands are presented thin lingual mucous or mixed type. Body mass is mostly muscular, skeletal muscle consists of bundles arranged in different planes Tongue muscle consists of striated muscle fibres bundles sectioned longitudinal, transverse or horizontal. Striated muscle fibres are oriented in different planes, with characteristic cross-banding. Between striated muscle fibres of connective tissue, are present numerous fibroelastic, blood vessels and nerves.