Some physical properties of
seedless and seeded raisin berries varieties
were evaluated as a function of moisture
content, varying from 16.12% to 35.63%
(d.b.) for seedless berries and from 17.33 to
34.41% (d.b.) for seeded raisin berries. The
average dimensions, shape, and mass of the
both raisin berries increased as moisture
content increased. The mass of 1000 berries
increased linearly. Besides, in seedless
berries, the bulk density increased, the true
density and porosity decreased, while in
seeded berries the bulk and true density
decreased, but porosity increased. The
Weibull distribution model statistically
characterized raisins on the basis of berries
dimensions for classifying and separating
targets. The results indicate that classifying
raisin berries by means of bivariate Weibull
distribution in terms of the length and width
is useful in describing the process under
study and designing or calibrating the hole
sizes of classifiers machinery.