The purpose of the presentpaper is to evaluate the influence of mulching and fertilization on the early cauliflower crop. The research was carried out in the didactic and experimental field of the Vegetablegrowingdiscipline, at Agronomy UniversityIasi. The experimentwas of a bifactorial type, testingthe influence of mulching with three graduations (unmulched-Ct, mulching with polyethylene film of 15 and 30 μm in thickness) and of fertilization with four graduations (unfertilized-Ct, chemical fertilization, organic fertilization and application of microorganisms),under the conditions of 2018 and 2019. The cropwas established by usingseedlings of42 days, in strips of two rows, the distance between strips being of 80 cm and between rows of 60 cm. The distance between the plants in a row was of 25 cm, resulting in a density of about 57thousand plants per hectare. The results obtained demonstrate the necessity of mulching and fertilizing the early cauliflowercrop, the best yields being obtained in the case of the variant mulched with 30 μm foil and fertilized with chemical fertilizers.