The cultivation of Pleurotus mushrooms has a number of advantages from the point of view of the growing technology,
and from the economic point of view. Compared with other species of cultivated mushrooms, oyster mushroom are
obtained more easily, have greater resistance to diseases, pests and greater variations in temperature, requires no
expensive works of cultivation and maintenance. Nutrient substrate used is exploited potential crop cycle because after
about 2.5-3 months can be reused in agriculture, as animal feed or soil conditioner.
It is important to note that rapid movement of funds invested is given relatively short cycle of this culture. The profit
earned relative to the amount invested in production costs, are between 50-100%.
Analysing the results of production, the most effective method of disinfection is pasteurization, because by this method
does not completely destroy the bacterial flora of the substrate, flora which helps develop the mycelium Pleurotus spp.