Meat and meat products represent a valuable source of protein with high biological value, due their content in all
essential amino acids which are found in an optimum ratio. The wild boar meat and the products processed by its have a
high quality. In this paper we present the results of a study aimed to assess by comparison the physical, chemical and
microbiological characteristics of the wild and domestic meat. The experimental results obtained for moisture was
78.3% for domestic pork meat and 70.9% for wild boar meat respectively. The pH of wild boar meat was nearly one
neutral (6.8) while the pH of the domestic pork meat was more acidic (5.8). Regarding the fat content the wild boar
meat it was found to be twice lower as fat than the domestic pork meat. Also, the registered values of protein content
was in the range of 19.2% (for domestic pork meat) – 20.5% (for wild boar meat). In terms of number of coagulasepositive staphylococcus and of the total number of coliforms it was noticed that the domestic pork meat had a lower
number of germs than the one in wild boar meat. The obtained results are according to literature data and lead to
conclusion that the meat of the wild boar is more valuable in terms of nutritive properties than that of domestic pork.