dc.description.abstract |
In this paper studied the objectives and importance of food safety along the food chain, from producer to consumer, as
well and the implications on human health and a guarantee high level of consumer protection.
Food safety is a multiple and complex process are based the conceptions that on advanced management system on the
prevention, analysis and risk management microbiological, chemical and physical food found on the entire flow from
raw materials to consumer food on the consumer table. This process of food safety is conditioned by existing gaps in
legally, mismanagement and insufficient and inaccurate information. Food safety should be based on tracking,
coordination, analysis and design of food technology, the initiation of management and marketing strategy along the
food chain and on the design, implementation and monitoring of quality management systems.
European Union law contains a general approach related to the wide range of food, but also a special approach on food
safety and correct information about food and animal welfare supplying raw materials for food industry. Thus, it can
sustain and ensure the traceability of all food and feed produced and distributed in the European Union.
Protection of human health, animal and plants, for each operation of technological flow, represents a key- element
priority of the economic strategies and public health of all citizens are assured that their access to healthy and safe food,
from plants and animals healthy and, also, ensure the smooth and developer food industry, an industry which is the
largest employer and manufacturing sector in Europe. European Union policy ensures the health every stage of
production, from the farm to the consumer's table, prevents food contamination, promote food hygiene and provide
consumers with accurate and transparent information about food.. |
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