The management of resource sustainable valorization by tourism is always a problem, and this research will try to
provide an answer. Our research is based on strategic assessment of rural area for the development of options for
sustainable resource valorization by tourism and promoting an evaluation model by involving local communities,
enabling selection of the most relevant ones. Thus, it is possible to harmonize the tourism requirements with those of
environmental protection and sustainable development, as specified in the Europe 2020 strategy. The complexity of the
research methodology, the case study, required the use of numerous methods of qualitative and quantitative research,
which made possible to highlight specific elements of the rural area of Sibiu Depression in order to obtain a good
orientation of the strategic actions for sustainable development of tourism and agro tourism. The main features are
related to the definition of Sibiu Depression as an interethnic area of tourism interest, based on the cultural diversity and
on the active involvement of the local community in specific issues. The methodology we have used consisted in
bundling the dimensions of life framework in a set of six criteria for analyzing the macro-environment using the
PESTEL analysis model. This analysis was complemented by a SWOT one, which has allowed us to combine the
endogenous and exogenous conclusions, and enabled us to present the problems and their respective answers. The
results contribute to the design of a strategic plan for sustainable resources valorization by the promotion of tourism,
backed by the cultural heritage of the Sibiu Depression, an interethnic area, recognized on national and European level.