This article shows that the effects of the erosion process on soil characteristics in the investigated region of the Negrea
village are varied. It is known that soil erosion is a complex phenomenon, highly spread in various forms. The purposes
our researches consist in appreciation of the situation of the danger of erosion in the investigated region and recommend
appropriate measures to diminish the negative consequences. The execution of the works on researched territory should
be made on the basis of sound scientific projects. Erosion measures of researched soil will be planned within a crop
rotation – an elementary necessity of agricultural lands. All humanity must be informed that a centimeter of soil is
formed in the best condition of management on a the rock of loess in about 12 years, in terms of agricultural practices
normal in about 40 years, and in a somewhat normal (natural) situation soil formation it may take some from 200 to
1000 years. The soil cover in the village Negrea consists of ordinary chernozems of various degrees of erosion and
delluvial soils. Methods of conducting of pedological researches in the field and of laboratory testing included: -
detailed the soil cover mapping at 1:5000 according to the instructions in force; - location and morphological
description of soil profiles, determining morphometric indices of soils, collecting samples of soil for laboratory
analysis; - determining the degree of soil erosion degraded of the village Negrea region based on data summary the
thickness of humiferous profile with humus content greater than of 1.00%, etc.