The Community Agricultural Policy (CAP) assumed by the six founding members by the Rome treaty in 1958 was
characterized by a strong intervention of the state, according to the sectors climate and location characteristics, subject
of imbalances between demand and supply, and with a high volatility of prices and incomes. In 2003, a series of
principles and methods considerably modified the CAP policy, introducing new principles and mechanisms, and terms
like unique exploitation payment, cross-compliance, financial discipline. Finally, in 2007, a unique common organizing
of the markets (unique COM) was instituted as part of its reform, aiming agricultural productivity growth by promoting
technical progress and optimization of the production factors, fair life standards for the agricultural population,
stabilization of the markets, supply safety and reasonable prices for consumers. The present analysis aims to highlight
the structural and dynamic evolutions of the main indicators in the food sector in the North-East of Romania.