Observations on epigeus entomofauna were made during 2019 in a apple fruit tree plantation owned by SC Loturi
Service SRL, Delesti, Vaslui County. The harvesting of the biological material was done with soil traps type Barber and
with the beeting method, from May to August inclusive. The collected material was cleaned from plant debris and then
prepared for identification at order of insects, and in the coleoptera species these were determined to species level. The
analysis of the collected material shows that the specimens collected belong to the Hexapoda class. Most of the
specimens collected belong to the Insecta class. The most common species were: Dermestes laniarius, Anysodactilus
binotatus, Harpalus distinguendus, Cantharis fusca, Tachyusa coarctata, Otiorhynchus pinastri, Amara aenea and
Microlestes minutulus.