Observations were made during the research period of the year 2018 in the apple tree plantation, and in the cabbage
crop and maize crop belonging to Vasile Adamachi and Ezareni farm, from Iasi county.The aim of the paper was to
make a comparison regarding the entomofauna of the three very different cultures as technology and agroecosystem
conditions. The collection of the material was carried out using the soil traps type Barber method from June to
September inclusive. The collected material was cleaned of the vegetable debris was then prepared for identification up
to the level of the spece only for coccinamide. From the analysis of the collected material it follows that the specimens
of coleopters species belong to the: Coccinella septempunctata, Adalia bipunctata, Propylaea quatordecimpunctata,
Hippodamia variegata, Harmonia axyridis, Nephus quadrimaculatus, Carabidae, Scarabaeidae, Elateridae In terms of
the abundance of entomofauna, on the crops, it is found that most specimens were collected and determined from the
cabbage crops (649), from the apple orchard a number of 362 specimens. and 540 specimens in the maize crop from Ezareni.