For the histological study were used muscle stomach samples from 5 ostriches, age between 6 months and 3 years. Samples were prefixed in special containers in neutral formalin sol. 10%, after that were adjusted and refitted in the same type of fixator for 24 to 48 hours. The samples were included in paraffin cubes with Kunz instruments machine, then were cut to 3-5 μm at the microtome. The histological sections were displayed on skimmed slides and kept properly until various staining methods were applied. Ostrich muscular stomach is relatively small, compared to waist, oval, pressed from sides, the most developed component being the muscular tunic. After the exterior appearance, it resembles with hen muscular stomach. (Figure 1). The cuticle that tapes the ostrich muscular stomach mucous is thicker and denser than in notglandular area of the glandular stomach. The cuticle is gathered in large loops and in its structure it is noted inclusion of the protean matrix and the presence of desquamated cells from the surface epithelium as cellular debris and nucleus fragments. The stomach mucosa is taped with a simple columnar epithelium, in lamina propria structure, observing the simple, parallel, tubular, ventricular glands of different sizes, depending on the area examined. On top of it, the glands are slightly lengthened and begin to lose their rectilinear appearance. Muscularis mucosae, unlike hen, for example, is present, but on certain portions it can no longer be observed, being united with the muscles layers. The lymphoid tissue from mucosa is also absent. The muscular layer is best represented, composed of smooth muscle fibers with the three layers: longitudinal outer, circular middle, with the largest consistency of the inner skew layer. Connective fibers are also found at this level. In most regions, there is no exact delimitation of the muscle layers. The aponevrotic layer includes parallel collagen fibers arranged in bundles, including elongated and flattened fibroblasts. The serosa belongs to the visceral peritoneum and is composed of typical connective tissue and mesothelium.